Caribbean National Weekly

After dissolving the parliament last week, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr Timothy Harris named June 5 as the date for the next general elections.

In a radio and television broadcast, Harris, said Nomination Day will be on May 27. The island’s elections were due this year, by August 14.

“Election is important and will bring certainty to our Federation, enhance confidence in our country and preserve our democracy,” said Harris, who is expected to lead his coalition Team Unity into the election.

The coalition will face a challenge from the main opposition St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) headed by former prime minister Dr. Denzil Douglas.

In a national broadcast last week, Harris, who is expected to lead his coalition Team Unity administration into the polls, said he had asked the Governor-General, Sir S. W. Tapley Seaton, to dissolve the National Assembly from Tuesday, May 12.

“The next election will bring certainty to our federation, preserve our democracy, and allow us to continue to deliver a brighter future, creating employment and prosperity, building bigger homes, and keeping us safe. Let us stay together and see this through,” Harris said in the broadcast in which he outlined the successes of his administration since defeating the St Kitts-Nevis Labour Party in the last general election five years ago.

“In this election, you will have a clear choice. You can go forward to a safer and brighter future with Team Unity or backward to the past which you rejected in 2015. I know that our federation will be safer and stronger with Team Unity,” he said.

Harris said that he wanted every citizen to “consider these elections seriously, soberly and with maturity.