The V.I. Department Health has announced the next phase of its vaccination initiative, which will include teachers, firefighters, police officers and grocery store workers, among others deemed essential to a functioning economy and are most exposed to the virus.

The initial phase, which started on Dec. 16 and included clinical healthcare staff, residents and staff in long-term care facilities, persons in need of special care and staff in congregate living facilities (outside of nursing homes), and the elderly throughout the territory, will continue concurrent with other phases, D.O.H. said.

D.O.H. said it has received 4,825 doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and approximately 1,200 doses of the initial shots were administered across the territory as of Monday. The vaccines require two doses to be effective, with the second dose being administered 28 days after the initial shot for the Moderna vaccine, and 21 days after for Pfizer’s.

“Additional vaccines are being ordered and delivered on a weekly basis to ensure adequate supply to our community,” D.O.H. said.

D.O.H. said it’s following the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) as a guide, though the department acknowledged that jurisdictions are not obligated to comply.

“It is expected for the department to roll into subsequent phases as the vaccine inventory increases,” D.O.H. stated. “The department has partnered with VITEMA to ensure the local and federal government target populations are vaccinated by working within each vaccinating provider’s schedule and notifying the agency of which provider can be contacted for an appointment. A letter from VITEMA was issued to those groups requesting they indicate the number of persons in their agency who are interested in receiving the vaccine. Not all agencies have responded, but those who have were instructed to make an appointment with a participating provider.”

D.O.H. said there are 28 providers that have enrolled to administer vaccines, while more have expressed interest in becoming providers. Not included in the following list are hospitals and distribution hubs.

D.O.H. said the phase that comes after will include individuals who work in water and waste management, food services, shelters and housing, finance, information technology and communications, energy, legal, and media with a continuation of those not vaccinated in the previous phases.

“Phases 2 and 3 encapsulate the wider public starting with those in prior phases who have not yet been vaccinated, then the rest of the wider public. The overall vaccination process is fluid and changes depending on the allotment of vaccines sent to the territory as it becomes available nationally,” D.O.H. said.

The department said the territory requests at least the minimum dose amount per vaccine (975 for Pfizer and 1,900 for Moderna) which is sent weekly as ordered. There are no exact dates for each phase to start and stop, according to the release. D.O.H. said it is in the planning phases for mass vaccination slated for the early Spring of 2021.