Three prominent Virgin Islands officials, including two former members of Governor Albert Bryan Jr.’s Cabinet, face federal indictments tied to a fraud case involving Mon Ethos founder David Whitaker, who has already pleaded guilty to wire fraud and bribery.

Former Police Commissioner Ray Martinez, former Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Jenifer O’Neal, and current Department of Sports, Parks, and Recreation Commissioner Calvert White are accused of involvement in the case, according to sources cited by the Virgin Islands Consortium who broke the story. 

In a statement Thursday, Governor Albert Bryan Jr. expressed concern over the allegations while underscoring the principle of due process.

“Today, I learned of federal indictments involving two former members of my Cabinet and one current member of this administration,” Bryan said. “While these allegations are deeply concerning, I want to emphasize the importance of allowing the legal process to unfold. Every individual is entitled to due process, and I will respect that principle.”

The governor reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to ethical governance, stating, “As Governor, I remain committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics and accountability. These values guide our work and will continue to do so as this matter unfolds. My administration will cooperate fully with federal authorities as necessary.”

The indictments stem from a broader federal investigation into Mon Ethos founder David Whitaker, who has admitted guilt to charges of wire fraud and bribery. The Consortium reported that Whitaker’s fraudulent activities had previously led to the resignations of Martinez and O’Neal, although White remains in his current role.

The case has been the subject of widespread speculation in the Virgin Islands community, fueled by prior reports of federal investigations into the implicated officials.