Four high-ranking USVI officials, including current Sports Commissioner Calvert White, pleaded not guilty Friday to federal charges alleging they participated in separate bribery and fraud schemes involving government contracts.

White appeared in District Court alongside former Police Commissioner Ray Martinez, former Budget Director Jenifer O’Neal, and government contractor Benjamin Hendricks. All four were released on $10,000 unsecured bonds.

Two grand jury indictments detail alleged schemes involving Mon Ethos Pro Support, whose former owner David Whitaker previously pleaded guilty to wire fraud and bribery charges.

Prosecutors say Martinez and O’Neal collaborated with Whitaker to inflate Mon Ethos invoices submitted to the Police Department, using the excess funds for bribes and luxury trips. Text messages allegedly show Martinez instructing Whitaker to add $70,000 to one invoice.

In a separate case, White allegedly demanded $16,000 through Hendricks to guarantee Mon Ethos would win a contract bid. Prosecutors say Whitaker made a partial $5,000 payment to Hendricks’s account.

Martinez faces the most serious charges, including bribery, obstruction of justice, wire fraud, and money laundering conspiracy. White and Hendricks are each charged with bribery and wire fraud, while O’Neal faces bribery and wire fraud charges.

All defendants must surrender their passports and obtain court permission to leave the territory. A February 24 trial date was set, though delays are likely given the extensive evidence — over 6 million pages in Martinez’s case alone. Judge Alan Teague approved special arrangements for Martinez’s service weapon to be secured by his wife, an active police officer.