Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Kye Rymer provided an update on the territory’s cruise tourism sector following his attendance at the recent Seatrade Global Conference.
A key announcement was that the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) is expected to deliver an updated economic impact study focused on cruise passenger spending patterns in the British Virgin Islands later this year.

The Minister also revealed that new cruise lines will be joining the British Virgin Islands’ cruise ship schedule in the near future. He promised this expansion builds on already increasing cruise visitor numbers to the territory.

Amid persistent criticism that the cruise industry historically underperforms in delivering economic impacts compared to overnight resort guests, Minister Rymer echoed recent remarks from Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley defending the value of cruise tourism business.
Specifically, Rymer highlighted cruise lines’ critical support of the BVI Ports Authority’s operations and the local workforce it sustains.

The Minister’s comments come as the territory aims to strike a balance between developing both cruise and overnight tourism markets as complementary rather than competing segments.
Proponents argue cruise lines provide vital income streams and potential future overnight guests through first-time exposure. Critics contend limited cruise passenger spending restricts overall economic benefits when compared to longer-staying resort guests.